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Kickstart Your Fitness Journey with This Comprehensive Full-Body Dynamic Warm-Up

Prepare Your Body for Any Workout with This Dynamic Warm-Up Routine

Prep for Any Workout with This Invigorating Full-Body Dynamic Warm-Up!
Prep for Any Workout with This Invigorating Full-Body Dynamic Warm-Up!

Kickstart Your Fitness Journey with This Comprehensive Full-Body Dynamic Warm-Up

Around a decade and a half ago, dynamic warm-ups started gaining popularity in the sports world as an effective method for athletes to prepare for events. Nowadays, dynamic warm-ups are standard practice, from elite athletes to fitness newcomers utilizing machines.

Understand why dynamic stretching is so beneficial, and discover a comprehensive full-body routine that you can implement before exercising - whether it's to play a sport, engage in interval sprints, or hit the weights. This routine typically lasts about five minutes. Complete 10 repetitions of each exercise below for approximately 1 to 2 rounds.

1. Lunge with a twist

Image Source: BuiltLean

As the name suggests, this is a combination of two exercises: a forward lunge and a horizontal twist. The forward lunge stretches the hip flexors and activates the legs, glutes, and hips, while the twist stretches the upper and middle back and activates core rotation. While doing the lunge, step forward, then drop your hips. Don't lunge so far forward that your front knee extends beyond your toes. After you've lunged, slowly twist towards the side of your front leg for a more intense hip flexor stretch.

2. Knee to chest

This exercise mimics the top of a running stride as you bring your knee towards your chest before lowering it gently towards the ground. You can alternate between legs while stationary or do it while walking forward. Focus on bringing the knee cap into your chest by hugging your shin while stepping onto your toes with your opposite foot, which will give you more leverage.

3. High kicks

High kicks prepare the hamstrings and improve range of motion. You can perform it while walking, or do it stationary while focusing on one side at a time. If starting with your right leg, extend your left arm straight out. Kick your leg up while keeping your leg and hand straight so that your toes touch your palm. Progressively kick higher, but make sure to remain in control while doing this exercise.

4. Hip stretch with a twist

Image Source: BuiltLean

This is an excellent stretch, particularly for office workers who spend a significant portion of the day sitting. It helps stretch the hips and groin while activating the core, upper, and middle back. Start in a push-up position, then lift your right foot and bring it to your right hand while keeping your hips down and keeping your lower back flat. Lift your left hand, twist to your left while extending your arm towards the sky. Return to the starting push-up position and repeat on the other side. A suitable substitution for this exercise is a side lunge to focus on lateral movement.

5. T pushups

T pushups are an excellent exercise to activate the upper body, particularly the shoulders, while also engaging the core. Start in a push-up position, then lower yourself towards the ground. As you push back up, extend your right arm towards the sky while keeping your left arm stable and your hips from moving up or down. Bring your arm back to the starting position, do another push-up, and then repeat with your left arm.

Kickstart Your Workout with This Full-Body Dynamic Warm-Up! 🚀

6. Jump squats (advanced)

Jump squats are an excellent plyometric exercise for warm-up, particularly for the lower body. Because the exercise is fast, it requires a greater degree of force production and power than the other exercises on this list, making it a more advanced warm-up exercise. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart while maintaining a neutral posture. Squat down until your hips are about parallel with the ground, then jump with force. Land softly and repeat the jump.

7. Jump lunges (advanced)

Jump lunges are another excellent plyometric exercise for warming up the lower body. This exercise also requires balance to exercise the stabilizer muscles in your legs and hips. With your hands at your sides or behind your head, start with one foot extended forward, and one behind. Drop your hips downward and forcibly jump into the air. As you're airborne, switch your legs so that your forward leg is now behind, and your back leg is now in front of you.

Making it easier

To make this dynamic warm-up routine more manageable, you can execute some exercises with assistance by holding onto a stable and sturdy pole or object. For instance, you can perform an assisted squat or reverse lunge, which makes both exercises much simpler.

With the hip stretch, you can choose not to open your shoulders, and with the T pushup, you don't have to complete the entire push-up itself.

The advantages of dynamic stretching

For many years, static stretching (holding a stretch for 10 seconds or more while motionless) was the most popular type of warm-up for athletes. However, now, warm-ups that are dynamic (moving as you stretch) are in vogue, and for good reason.

Here's why dynamic stretching is more beneficial during a warm-up routine:

  • Dynamic stretching activates the muscles you will use during your workout. For instance, the lunge with a twist is a dynamic stretching exercise that engages the hips, legs, and core muscles. Whether you're performing weighted lunges in the gym, or lunging for a soccer ball, the primary muscles have already been engaged during your warm-up.
  • Dynamic stretching improves the range of motion. In a 2019 study, researchers showed that dynamic stretching increased the range of motion on hamstring muscles and knee extension by 10 percent, while reducing stiffness[1]. If you feel like you can barely bend down to tie your shoes after a long day at work, a dynamic warm-up routine can help you feel more limber.
  • Dynamic stretches improve body awareness. If you don't warm up and immediately jump into a soccer game, it may take a while for your body to reach optimal performance. Moving as you stretch challenges your balance and coordination, skills that could support your performance.
  • Warming up in motion could increase flexibility. A 2017 study on Division I linemen found that dynamic stretching increased hip flexibility on a par with utilizing a foam roller. While it's true that not everyone is a professional football player, it could be worth considering. If you're trying to build strength, muscle, or simply perform better, a dynamic warm-up routine is likely your best option. Next time you go for a jog, play some basketball, or hit the gym, give this warm-up a try. Your body will thank you!

[1] O'Sullivan K, Winsor S, Thornton A., (2019) Dynamic stretching increases joint range of motion and expands knee extension in humans. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 33:8, 2169-2176.[2] Shrier, I., (2021) Stretching before and after exercise. Sports medicine. 51(S1), 1-23.[5] Jamtgaard, C., Møller, B. E., & Thorborg, E., (2015) Warm-up before strength training: what is the optimal duration, intensity, type and sequence to improve athletic performance? Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. 25(6).

After implementing this dynamic warm-up routine, you may notice an improvement in your fitness update, as it can help enhance your performance during exercises. Remember, dynamic stretching not only activates the muscles you will use during your workout but also improves the range of motion, body awareness, and even flexibility. Upgrade your weight management by incorporating these warm-up exercises before your workouts.

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