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Six foods that suppress testosterone levels: Origins and variables

Six testosterone-reducing culprits: Exploration of causes and contributing elements

Image of Tanja Ivanova captured by Getty Images
Image of Tanja Ivanova captured by Getty Images

Six foods that suppress testosterone levels: Origins and variables

Some individuals suggest that specific foods, like soy, dairy, and certain fats, might decrease testosterone levels within the body. Nevertheless, scientific studies on testosterone-lowering foods are scarce.

Individuals can increase their testosterone levels naturally by engaging in regular exercise and maintaining a balanced weight.

The food an individual consumes plays a significant role in shaping various health aspects, including hormones such as testosterone.

This article delves into whether diet influences testosterone levels and which foods might potentially affect them.

A note about sex and gender

Sex and gender fall under spectrums. In this article, the terms "male," "female," or "both" will be used to refer to the sex assigned at birth at birth. Click here for more information.

Can diet and food affect testosterone levels?

Testosterone is a prominent sex hormone in the body. While males typically produce more testosterone, it is also crucial for females. Testosterone promotes an increase in muscle and bone mass, body hair, and other physiological processes.

Some individuals believe that an overconsumption of certain foods could interfere with the body's hormonal balance, resulting in hormonal imbalances. Concerned individuals may consider restricting their intake of the following foods.

However, it is essential to remember that the evidence regarding food's ability to lower testosterone levels is limited. As the current evidence currently stands, it is impossible to draw definitive conclusions about diet and testosterone levels.

1. Soy products

Soy-based foods, such as tofu, edamame, and soy protein isolates, contain phytoestrogens. These compounds, which are similar to estrogen in the body, perform similarly.

While extensive research has been conducted on soy, many studies have failed to establish a correlation between soy consumption and altered serum testosterone or estrogen levels.

In fact, a 2021 meta-analysis concluded that neither soy nor phytoestrogens have any impact on testosterone levels. A technical review from the same year confirmed that there is no supporting evidence for the claim that phytoestrogens disrupt the human endocrine system.

2. Alcohol

Individuals with concerns about their testosterone levels may also want to consider limiting their alcohol consumption.

Although some studies have suggested that a small amount of alcohol could increase testosterone levels in males, this is not typically the case. A 2017 review indicates that excessive drinking or long-term regular consumption can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels in men.

Alcohol consumption also leads to an increase in testosterone levels in females.

3. Mint

The menthol in mint may potentially lower testosterone levels, but there is limited human research to support this claim.

According to a 2017 study, scientists treated female rats with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with spearmint essential oil to examine its effects on the disorder. Researchers observed that spearmint essential oil had positive effects on these rats.

Another study noted that there is high-quality evidence indicating that mint can lower testosterone levels in women with PCOS.

However, there is not sufficient high-quality evidence regarding its impact on males with concerns about their testosterone levels.

Most of the research on the topic focuses on animal models or females. Future studies should investigate the effects of mint on both sexes to gain a more comprehensive understanding.

4. Bread, pastries, and desserts

A study linked high consumption of bread, pastries, and other desserts to low total testosterone levels in Taiwanese men. Factors such as high dairy consumption, frequent dining out, and insufficient consumption of dark green vegetables were also implicated.

According to the research, these participants also had decreased muscle mass and increased body fat.

5. Licorice root

A study suggested that licorice root could potentially reduce testosterone levels in healthy women during menstrual cycles. Animal studies have also shown that licorice supplementation can lower testosterone levels.

Ideally, any future studies should explore the effects of licorice on both sexes to gain a better overall understanding of its actions.

6. Certain fats

The type of fat a person consumes may also influence their testosterone levels and function. A 2017 study examined the dietary patterns of young, healthy men in relation to their hormone levels and testicular function.

The research indicated that consuming trans fats could reduce testosterone levels in the body. They also found that excessive consumption of omega-6 fatty acids appears to reduce testicular size and function.

However, consuming adequate polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids may potentially increase testicle size and improve function. The researchers suggested that additional studies should be conducted to confirm their findings, and individuals concerned about their testosterone levels may want to avoid trans fats and limit omega-6 fatty acids.

Other factors

Other factors that may influence hormonal imbalances or low testosterone include:

  • aging
  • a sedentary lifestyle
  • chronic drug, tobacco, and cannabis use
  • obesity
  • diabetes

How to increase testosterone naturally

There may be some ways to naturally boost testosterone, including:

  • consuming a more balanced diet focused on fresh foods
  • avoiding overeating
  • maintaining a moderate weight and preventing obesity
  • engaging in regular exercise
  • ensuring adequate sleep each night

Frequently asked questions

Does nicotine affect testosterone levels?

The impact of nicotine on testosterone levels is unclear. Some studies have reported no effects, an increase in testosterone levels in smokers, or decreased testosterone levels in smokers.

Ain't it myth that jerking off lowers testosterone levels in the manhood?

What nuts slash testosterone?

People often circulate the notion that specific nuts can lower testosterone, but there's scarce scientific data to back this up. More investigations are required.


Nutrition and physical activity are vital for wellness and keeping hormones in harmony. Some individuals speculate that specific foods, like soy, can decrease testosterone levels in the body.

However, most studies indicate a shortage of evidence to validate these assertions. Still, anyone partial to preserving optimal testosterone levels may consider minimizing these foods.

  1. Some individuals with concerns about low testosterone levels might also consider managing their intake of certain nuts, as there is a common belief that certain nuts can lower testosterone levels, but the scientific data on this topic is limited.
  2. In the context of obesity and testosterone levels, research suggests that maintaining a balanced weight and avoiding obesity can contribute to naturally increasing testosterone levels.
  3. In the realm of mental health, individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder or depression may experience Testosterone levels changes, which could be another factor to consider in the comprehensive approach to hormonal health.
  4. In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treatment, testosterone levels might be affected if patients undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which could have potential implications for their overall health.
  5. Predictive models in healthcare might take into account various factors, including diet and food consumption, to estimate potential testosterone level changes and thus provide personalized recommendations for individuals.

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